Sunday, April 3, 2011

A new journey and some old baggage

Today has been a pretty good day over all. Got up and went to church. Usually my family hangs around for lunch but today they went on home. So me and my son, D had lunch just the two of us. PB&J sandwiches and mac and cheese. Healthy? Probably not, but it's the perfect meal according to the 3 year old. haha. 

The whole pace of the day has been pretty slow and relaxed. Just how Sundays should be in my opinion. A day of rest. The quiet allowed some overdue reflection on my part. I think our lives have become stagnant. There are things we can and should change and there's no day like today.

1. My husband and I are not overweight by very much but unless we start thinking about how we eat we will get that way in the long run. We should do something about that. Workouts start tomorrow and eating better starts in about 30 minutes. Tonight we are having Mojito Lime chicken. I haven't decided on sides yet but I will come up with something.

2. We love the church we attend but I think we may be out growing it. It is a small church with no more than 20 people. The people are irreplaceable. It's the kind of church where you know everyone and it just feels like home but there isn't anything for kids. D is the ONLY child there. Aside from him my husband and I are the youngest ones in the church. The next youngest? My dad. You see where I'm going with this.  I think it's time for us to move on and find a place that can teach all of us on our own level and have classes such as Sunday school and otherwise that are relevant to us and where we are in our lives. 

3.  Savings. Do I need to say more? I know there are people out there that have a healthy savings account but I am not one of them. To be perfectly honest I don't even KNOW any of them.

This is probably more than enough to tackle in one afternoon. haha. Small changes are key I think. Slowly change our lifestyle to accomodate these goals instead of making drastic, unrealistic changes that we will never stick to. Time to get busy!

Expect to see weight loss comments thrown in at the bottom of each post.
My starting weight? 130lbs. I am 5'2"    

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