Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just another day in paradise

So far this week has been pretty routine. Did some laundry, sorted through closets, cooked some dinners. Same ole, same ole. Yesterday my toddler started asking about going to school. Every time we pass a school he wants to go. I started doing my research and found a school that looks well suited to our son. My husband and I went back and forth with the pro's and con's of 3 year old kindergarten and we decided it would probably be a positive thing for D.

Here's the run down in our thinking: D can already count to 15, play independently and with other children, follows direction well, is potty trained, uses good manners (please, thank you, mam, sir), and responds to minimal discipline. Not to say that he doesn't have the occasional potty accident or emotional meltdown but both are few and far between. The trouble is he has separation issues because he has been home with me his whole life. We felt like our son would benefit from having a stay at home parent and we stand behind our decision but we fear that when he starts school full time it will be a culture shock for him and put him behind educationally because he will be focused on trying to figure out the social aspects of it. The 3 year old class at the school we chose is half days so he will still have time to be home with what he knows. Plus, it's a private, christian school so I know they will be teaching the same values that we hold important. 

I guess there is no one-size-fits-all with when to start school and where but I am both excited and nervous about the whole situation. I read a statement today that really stuck with me. It said, "The fear with school is us having to release our children into an imperfect world". That is so true. I know I am not perfect but I strive to be. I try to make the best decision, am quick to admit when I am wrong and apologize to all involved when needed. We have made a point to instill a sense of independence in our son and giving him choices whenever possible. What happens if this school simply can't do all that? I can't protect him from everything simply because it's different but I still have fear of the unknown. 

I know I must put on a happy face and talk up the school or he will pick up on my anxiety but for my sanity I still have to acknowledge that my fears are natural and show that I only want the best for my son.

We are going to the school for a tour and to meet the staff on the 15th before making our final decision. I am sure everything will go great though.

Ciao for now!

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