Monday, March 28, 2011

This past weekend

We have been super busy over the past weeks and this past weekend I finally stood up and said that we would not be able to make yet another birthday party, we would be unavailable to drive a state over to hang out, and we were not going to the airshow with a million of my husband's co workers. We were going to have a selfish weekend and just spend time together as a family. Then disaster struck. My husband best friend's grandmother died. This was a phenomenal woman who had put a roof over my husband's and his friend's head years ago. We of course drove 4 hours to be at the visitation and funeral. It was a somber weekend filled with good food and great company but for a reason that was less than ideal. 

We went out there Friday lunch and came home late Saturday, church on Sunday then out to dinner with family. It was not the weekend we had planned but it was a reminder that the world is bigger than just us. Something as simple as a weekend trip can make all the difference in someone's life. I am still hoping for a selfish weekend but now we are not concerned with blowing other people off to have it.

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