Thursday, March 24, 2011

Starting a blog!

In talking to my mom I realized I had lots of ideas that I wanted to share. I've decided to start a blog about all the wonderful things in life. Some are obvious while others a barely noticed. Today I think my biggest joy was spray painting birds onto the guest bedroom walls. :-) 

I have had my teenage sister living with me for the past few months but now she is living with our mom so I get to decorate and arrange our third bedroom with the sole purpose of being a guest room. We are living on family property with the intentions of moving somewhere new this year so we are trying not to invest too much money into this place but it has to feel like our home.

Hopefully I will blog every day during my son's nap time but the weekends may be hit or miss! I'm so excited about this new endeavor and hope you all enjoy it with me.

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